
Find Your Yoga

Whether you are brand new to yoga or experienced, whether you are recuperating from an injury or surgery, facing a movement disorder, a chronic condition, or have simply been out of practice, there is a class for you. You are invited to reach out with questions or simply give my class a try.

Slow Yoga (In-person)

Wednesdays 5:00 – 6:15 pm and

Saturdays 9:00-10:15 am

• takes emphasis off accomplishing something and puts it on experiencing something.

• cultivates an appreciation for the subtlety and nuance of the body and mind

• trains your nervous system to build resilience, adapt to stressors, develop greater patience, and improve overall health and well-being.

• Stimulating the immune system and metabolism.

• slow movement fosters the “rest and digest” system, reducing chronic pain.

Classes focus on the principles of body alignment, releasing tension, breath awareness and finding your body’s strength and flexibility.

First Congregational Church of Old Lyme (FCCOL) 2 Ferry Road. Old Lyme

Chair Yoga (Online)

Wednesday 9:00 am – 10:15 am

This chair class is for everyone! Put simply, a chair is just another prop. Like blocks and straps it allows the freedom to access the poses, support your body and to try new postures. The chair also provides more security to strengthen muscles and practice balancing, all while boosting your courage and enjoyment of movement.

Click here for the Zoom link.

Gentle Yoga (Online)

Monday 9:00 am – 10:15 am

In gentle yoga, the movement is slow, each movement is linked with breath. The warmup is longer preparing and nurturing the joints, muscles, and connective tissue. The slow and gentle movement allows you to explore your pain-free range of motion so you can come safely and comfortably in and out of the pose, depending on what’s right for your body on any given day.

Click here for the Zoom link.

Class Schedule

Day Time Class
Monday 9:00 am – 10:15 am Gentle Yoga (Online)
Wednesday 9:00 am – 10:15 am
5:15 pm – 6:30 pm
Chair Yoga (Online)
Slow Yoga (In-person)
Saturday 9:00 am – 10:15 am Slow Yoga (In-person)